Feb 12, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog Archived Catalog

Student Financial Aid

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga offers a comprehensive program of student financial aid. Students may receive one or more types of financial aid: Scholarships, Grants, Loans, and Part-time employment. These can be awarded individually or in combination, depending on the student’s financial need and eligibility.

Certain financial aid programs require financial need. Financial need is the difference between the student’s estimated Cost of Attendance for the academic year and the Expected Family Contribution (FAFSA results). The estimated Cost of Attendance includes tuition, fees, books and supplies, room and board, and estimated transportation and personal expenses. Students may not receive financial aid in excess of the cost of attendance.

Financial aid offers are based on full-time enrollment (12 credit hours or more). Aid is disbursed at a prorated rate for students not enrolled full-time.

Information and Assistance

The Financial Aid Office staff provides assistance with the financial aid application process and financial budgeting. In addition, the student may request a review of the determination of the student’s need and award. For further information regarding financial aid, contact:

UTC Financial Aid Office Dept. 4805
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
University Center 201
615 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403
(423) 425-4677


UTC Scholarship Office Dept. 4825
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
University Center 202
615 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, TN 37403

Information and forms are available on the UTC Financial Aid website at: www.utc.edu/Administration/FinancialAid/.

Application Procedures

Students must complete the FAFSA - www.fafsa.gov - each year to be considered for grants, loans, work-study, and Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship funds. Students currently receiving University scholarships will automatically receive the scholarship if they meet the scholarship renewal criteria.

Five Steps to Financial Aid at UTC


Step 1 

Complete and e-Sign the FASFA on the Web
Complete and submit the FAFSA at: www.fafsa.gov. This service is free. Be sure to include UTC and its Title IV code “003529” in the appropriate section of the FAFSA. Allow 2-3 weeks for UTC to receive the FAFSA information. Students must complete this step before February 1 to ensure that they receive the most aid possible.


Step 2 

Submit all requested documents to the Financial Aid Office.
Approximately one-third of all FAFSA applications are selected for verification. Applicants selected for verification are encouraged to use the FAFSA corrections process to update upir FASFA using the FASFA IRS Data retrieval process. For the 2012-2013 academic year, the IRS data retrevial process is tentatively scheduled to available February 1, 2012.

  • Electronically filed tax return information will be available online from the iRS site in 1-2 weeks after the return has been filed.
  • Data from paper tax returns will be available in 6-8 weeks.

If you choose not to use the FAFSA IRS Data Retrieval process or retrieve IRS data but subsequently change it, you will need to explaiin to your institutions why information you provided is more accurate than the information that would have been obtained directly from the IRS.

Additional documents may be requested after the initial application review in order to resolve any discrepancies. Do not turn in verification documents unless requested by the UTC Financial Aid Office. Students should check their MyMocsNet account frequently to determine if documents are needed to complete their financial aid file. Students must have a completed financial aid file by July 1 in order to have funds available at Fall fee payment, by November 1 for Spring fee payment, and March 1 for Summer semester.


Step 3

Review and accept aid via MyMocsNet
Review of financial aid applications will normally take place four to six weeks after the financial aid file is complete (during peak processing times, allow eight to twelve weeks for review). Incoming UTC students will be mailed an award letter. All subsequent award notices will be sent via UTC email. Student Loans and Work Study offers must be accepted or declined through MyMocsNet. Students have 30 days to accept Perkins Loan and Work Study through their MyMocsNet account before these offers will be cancelled.

Aid is awarded based on full-time enrollment (12 credit hours or more). Enrollment status for financial aid is determined on the last day to add classes for a semester and eligibility is adjusted accordingly. Aid is awarded for the academic year, half for fall and half for spring semester.


Step 4 

Follow these steps to accept a Federal Direct Stafford Loan

  1. Accept Direct Stafford loans through MyMocsNet. From the Financial Aid menu, select My Award, then Award for Aid Year. Accept the Direct Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized Stafford Loan amount you wish to receive.
  2. Go to www.StudentLoans.gov and complete:

a. Direct Loan Entrance Counseling

b. Direct Stafford Loan Promissory Note (MPN). Sign your MPN electronically using your FAFSA PIN. PINs can be obtained at www.pin.ed.gov.


Step 5

Pay Fees
By accepting financial aid, the student acknowledges acceptance of tuition and fee charges assessed upon registration in UTC classes. If you decide not to enroll at UTC, you must withdraw from ALL courses before the first day of classes to avoid any charges. Financial aid students whose aid does not cover their entire UTC bill are responsible for either paying the balance or making arrangements for payment (UTC installment payment plan) through their MyMocsNet account prior to the fee payment deadline published in the academic calendar. Classes will be cancelled for students who have not paid in full and have not made arrangements to pay by the fee payment deadline. Note: Students offered loans must follow the directions in the preceding steps to accept loans, in order to ensure that loan funds are available for fee payment.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

This is a brief overview of UTC’s satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards. It is the individual student’s responsibility to review the complete financial aid SAP policy and the right to appeal process on our website at www.utc.edu/financialaid under Terms and Conditions of Financial Aid Awards.

Federal  regulation requires all students, including students not currently receiving aid, be evaluated based on financial aid satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards. Financial aid satisfactory academic progress is reviewed each semester when grades post.

Financial aid SAP is evaluated on the following 3 criteria:

  1. Completion Rate: Students must earn (pass) a cumulative 67% of all credit hours attempted.
  2. Minimum Cumulative GPA: All students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
  3. Maximum Time Frame: The maximum time limit for a student to receive financial aid 150% of the published program credit hour length.

Other important things to know regarding financial aid SAP:

  • Academic Forgiveness: Financial Aid regulations do not have a provision for academic forgiveness; therefore, all credits and grades removed for academic forgiveness must be used to calculate financial aid SAP.
  • Transfer Hours and GPA: Transfer students are evaluated based on the transfer credits accepted by UTC.
  • All failing grades: Students who fail to pass any classes during a semester - all F’s, or a combination of F and W grades - face immediate suspension of aid.
  • Rights and process to appeal suspension of financial aid: Students have a right to appeal the suspension of financial aid. The deadlines for a student to appeal his or her suspension are available on the Financial Aid Office website at utc.edu/Administration/FinancialAid/ConTranDates.php

Examples of actions that may affect a student’s financial aid SAP include but are not limited to: Drop a class, withdrawal from all classes, fail a class, change major, receive an incomplete grade, repeat a course, or change a class from credit to audit.

If you have any questions about this SAP policy, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 423-425-4677.

Progress standards for scholarships are detailed separately via the following means:

  • Progress standards for HOPE Scholarship are listed at utc.edu/Administration/FinancialAid/TELSappeal.php
  • Progress standards for all University Scholarships are listed on the original Award Letter the student signed. If the student does not have his or her personal copy of the Award Letter, he or she should contact the Scholarship Office at 423-425-4790.
  • Progress standards for private scholarships are determined by the private donor. Students should refer to the individual scholarship contact with any questions.
  • The Financial Aid SAP Appeal Committee does not have the authority to approve or deny University or HOPE scholarship appeals.

Types of Financial Aid



Federal Pell Grants

Pell Grant awards range from $602 to $5,550 with the value of the award reflecting the Expected Family Contribution and the number of credit hours in which the student has enrolled. The grant is the “base” award of financial aid and is awarded before other forms of aid. Regulations and provisions of the Pell Grant Program are subject to change by Federal legislative action. Pell Grant Awards are based on full time status and are prorated based on actual number of hours attended.

Affective Fall 2012, students can receive the Pell Grant for a maximum of 12 full time semesters (or its equivalent). This provision applies to all Federal Pell Grant Eligible students and the calculation of the duration of the student’s eligibility will include any prevous semesters the Pell Grant has been received.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)

This grant ranges from $250 to $500 and is available to undergraduate students with high financial need as determined by the FAFSA. Funds are limited, so it is essential that students complete the FAFSA and all other required documents as early as possible.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant

The TEACH Grant is a Federal grant available to students who have completed the FAFSA, are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens, have a 3.25 GPA or scored in the 75th percentile on a standard admission test (such as the ACT/SAT/GRE), and have declared one of the eligible majors as defined by UTC. The maximum award for the academic year is $4,000 with a cumulative maximum of $16,000. Regulations and provisions of the TEACH Grant are subject to change by Federal legislative action. Agreement to serve/promise to pay: The student must teach full-time for at least four years within eight years of completing program as a (1) highly qualified teacher; (2) at a Title 1 school; (3) in a specified subject area (mathematics, science, a foreign language, bilingual education, special education, or as reading specialist). If service is not met: the grant must be repaid as an Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan, with interest from the date(s) of original disbursement.

Tennessee Student Assistance Award (TSAA) Grants

Grants are made by the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation to residents of the State of Tennessee who show financial need according to the FAFSA. The maximum TSAA Grant is $2,000 per academic year. Funds are limited, so the recommended FAFSA filing deadline is February 1.

Student Loans

Federal Direct Stafford Loans

The William D. Ford Federal Direct Stafford Loan program provides students with low interest student loans based on financial need as determined by the FAFSA. Most students with good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress for continuing financial aid are eligible for the Federal Stafford Loan program.

There are two types of Federal Direct Stafford Loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. For a subsidized Direct Stafford Loan, the interest is paid by the Federal government as long as the student is enrolled at least half-time. Interest will accrue during this six month grace period on the subsidized direct loan. For an unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan, the student is responsible for the interest at a low government fixed rate while enrolled at least half time in college. Repayment of the loans is deferred for 6 months after a student graduates, terminates his or her education, or drops below halftime; and then the payments are structured over a 10-year repayment plan. Please refer to our website http://www.utc.edu/Administration/FinancialAid/StudentLoans.php for current interest rates.

The maximum Stafford loan amount for a dependent undergraduate (as defined by the FAFSA) in a 12-month period is $5,500 for freshmen; $6,500 for sophomores; and $7,500 for juniors and seniors. Independent students, as defined by the FAFSA, are eligible for additional unsubsidized funds in the amount of $4,000 for freshmen or sophomores, and $5,000 for a juniors or seniors.

The Federal Stafford loan maximum aggregate may not exceed $31,000 for the dependent undergraduate (maximum of $23,000 subsidized) or $57,000 for the independent undergraduate or post-baccalaureate student. The Federal loan aggregate limit for Stafford Loans for graduate and professional students is $138,500.

Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

Federal PLUS loans allow parents with good credit histories to borrow for each dependent child who is enrolled half-time or more. The yearly loan limit is the student’s cost of attendance minus any estimated financial aid the student receives. The interest rate, as set by the Federal government, will be variable but not higher than 9.0 percent. If a parent is denied a PLUS loan by a lender, the student may be eligible for an additional unsubsidized Stafford loan at the independent annual limit.

Federal Perkins Loans

The Federal Perkins Loan Program is a loan available to students at a 5.0 percent interest rate. This program is funded through the U.S. Department of Education and awarded by UTC on a first come first serve basis. These funds are limited. If a Perkins Loan is offered, it must be accepted through the MyMocsNet account within 30 days. The student will be notified by the Bursar’s Office when the Master Promissory Note is available to be signed. Eligibility for the Perkins loan is based on demonstrated financial need as determined by the FAFSA. Loan repayment and interest on Perkins Student Loans are deferred for 9 months after graduation or as long as the individual remains in half-time attendance at an eligible accredited institution of higher education. The maximum repayment period is normally 10 years. Upon making a properly documented written request, portions of the Federal Perkins Student Loan may be canceled if the borrower performs full-time service in one of several service areas. More information about Perkins Loan forgiveness may be found on the U.S. Department of Education’s website www.ed.gov. An undergraduate may be awarded a maximum loan of $5,500 per year up to an accumulated loan total of $20,000. Due to limited funding, UTC awards all of its Perkins Loans to undergraduate students. The above regulations and provisions of the Federal Perkins Loan Program are subject to change by Federal legislative action.

Private Loans

A private education loan is a non-federal loan, through a private lender typically issued in the student’s name and requiring a cosigner. Generally, alternative loans have interest rates, repayment terms, and deferment options that are substantially less favorable than those of the Direct Stafford, Perkins, Parent PLUS and Graduate PLUS Loan programs.

Each lender has their individual eligibility requirements, interest rates, repayment terms and conditions. For example, some lenders require students to be enrolled at least half-time in a degree-seeking program, while others will lend to students who are non-degree seeking, enrolled less than half-time, or not making Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Student Employment


Federal Work-Study Program

The University participates in the Federal Work-Study Program administered by the U.S. Department of Education. To be eligible for the Federal Work-Study Program, a student must be accepted for admission and enrolled with good standing. A student’s eligibility is determined by the FAFSA. Funds are limited, so the recommended FAFSA filing deadline is February 1. On-campus part-time work opportunities are available in various departments, offices, and agencies of the University. Off-campus work in community service organizations may also be available through the Federal Community Service Learning Program.

Additional Employment Opportunities

Additional part-time employment opportunities, both on and off campus, are handled by the Job Location and Development Program in the Financial Aid Office. These positions are available to any student, regardless of financial need. To be eligible for this part-time employment, the student must meet the requirements established by the employing agency. The UTC Placement and Student Employment Center also provides job postings.

Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarships (TELS)

Also known as the HOPE Scholarship

Tennessee residents who graduated from a Tennessee high school in 2003 or after may qualify for the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarships (TELS) also called the HOPE Scholarship. Students must have graduated from high school with a 3.0 overall GPA out of a possible 4.0, or scored at least a 21 ACT (980 SAT) completing required college core courses. These funds are administered by the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC), and awards generally range from $4,000 to $5,500 per year.

The application form for Lottery Scholarship funds is the FAFSA. The FAFSA application deadline is September 1 for Fall and February 1 for Spring/Summer.

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga must be listed first on the FAFSA to receive the student’s eligibility for the Lottery Scholarship. In the event UTC was not listed first, complete the Change of Institution Form at www.tn.gov/CollegePays, available on the Students and Parents page.

For students who first received the HOPE Scholarship prior to Fall 2009

Award amount - Up to $4,000 for four-year institutions or a two-year eligible postsecondary institution that offers on-campus housing. Up to $2,000 for two-year eligible postsecondary institutions.

For students who first received the HOPE Scholarship in fall 2009 and thereafter

Award amount - Up to $6,000 per year at an eligible four-year postsecondary institution or a two-year eliglble postsecondary institution that offers on-campus housing. Up to $3,000 per year at an eligible two-year postsecondary institution. The award is divided equally between fall, spring and summer semesters. Awards to part-time enrolled students are prorated.

Adult students, over the age of 25, who have never been enrolled in college may also be eligible for these funds. All students who believe they are eligible should check with the Financial Aid Office to receive the most up to date information as these scholarships are subject to annual changes by the State legislature.

All information correct as of January 2012. Award amounts/requirements are subject to modification based on current regulations.

Refund Process—Return of Title IV Funds

Students who receive Federal Title IV assistance will be subject to a refund calculation return if they withdraw from all classes. Students who stop attending classes, but do not officially withdraw, are also subject to this refund calculation. Students who stop attending classes and receive grades of F in all classes, or a combination of Fs and Ws, are considered unofficially withdrawn. Students who withdraw - officially or unofficially - during the first 60 percent of the term will have a refund calculated under the Return of Title IV Funds Refund Policy. The percentage of the refund will equal the percentage remaining in the term at the time that the student withdraws. All refunds caused by a student withdrawing from classes will be returned to the appropriate financial aid account(s) or lender in the case of student loans. Refunds will be credited/returned within 45 days to the appropriate student financial aid program(s) in the order listed:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loan
  2. Subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loan
  3. Federal Perkins Loan
  4. Federal Direct Plus Loan
  5. Federal Pell Grant
  6. FSEOG
  7. TEACH Grant
  8. Other Student Financial Aid Programs
  9. Other Federal, State, private, or institutional sources of aid
  10. Student

Note: UTC reserves the right to bill the student for any return of Title IV refund amount that exceeds the University’s published institutional refund policy.


Students who receive Federal student financial assistance funds in excess of what is owed to the University (e.g. maintenance, tuition, room) may be required to repay funds to certain Title IV programs:

  1. Federal Pell Grant
  2. FSEOG
  3. Other Student Financial Aid Programs
  4. Other Federal, State, private, or institutional sources of aid

General Refund Information

Students who stop attending classes prior to the completion of the term should carefully read the information on unofficial withdrawals. All refund/repayment calculations are completed within 45 days of the official withdrawal date, and all funds are returned to the appropriate programs. Failure to withdraw officially will result in the University applying its own administrative procedures for determining the unofficial withdrawal date. 



The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga scholarship program for new and currently enrolled students is made possible through funds provided by the University, outside foundations, estates, private businesses, civic groups, individuals, and alumni.

Scholarships: Freshmen Scholarships are based on high school GPA and ACT score. February 1 is the Admissions Application deadline to be considered for all freshmen scholarships. A separate Scholarship Application is required to apply for all scholarships.

The UTC Scholarship Application is available by clicking the Money Tab in your MyMocsNet portal. The link to the online application is located in the Scholarship Search section of the Money Tab. Please click on the following link for additional information on “How to Apply”  www.utc.edu/scholarships. You can also click on the following link to ONLY view or search scholarships that are available: https://utc.scholarships.ngwebsolutions.com/ScholarX ScholarshipSearch.aspx

The deadline for continuing students to apply for all scholarships is March 1. The freshman deadline is March 1 as well, but you must have completed your Admissions file by February 1st.

Transfer students scholarship deadline is July 1, but you must have completed your Admissions file by June 1.

Remember, you must be an admitted student with a UTC ID to apply for all Freshmen, Institutional, Endowed and Transfer Scholarships.

Chancellor’s, Provost’s, Moc’s Scholars and Chattanooga YES! Grant

First-time freshmen who present certain minimum high school grade point averages and ACT or SAT scores are eligible for scholarship considerations. Scholarships are renewed for up to three additional years based on the student’s academic performance and the availability of funds. Approximately 600 awards are available each year in the Chancellor’s, Provost’s, Moc’s Scholars and Chattanooga YES! programs combined. Recipients are determined by the UTC Scholarships Committee.

Chancellor’s Scholars

First-time freshmen with a 3.75 GPA and a 30 ACT (1320 on SAT) will be considered for Chancellor’s Scholarships, an annually renewable award of $4,000. Students may also receive an additional $5,000 of Tennessee Lottery Scholarship funds.

Provost’s Scholars

First-time freshmen with a 3.5 GPA and 26 ACT (1170 SAT) will be considered for a $3,000 annually renewable award. Students may also receive an additional $4,000 of Tennessee Lottery Scholarship funds.

Moc’s Scholars

First-time freshmen with a 3.4 GPA and 24 ACT composite (1110 SAT) will be considered for a $2,000 annually renewable award. Students may also receive an additional $4,000 of Tennessee Lottery Scholarship funds.

Chattanooga YES! Grant

First-time freshmen will be considered for a $3,000 annually renewable award. Students may also receive an additional $4,000 of Tennessee Lottery Scholarship funds.

The student must meet the following requirements:

  • Tennessee Resident
  • 3.0 High School GPA and a 19 ACT (890 SAT)
  • Demonstrated financial need as determined by the FAFSA
  • Applicants with incomplete files will not be considered

Student Leaders Become Alumni Leaders UT Alumni Scholarship

The scholarship was created to provide funds for students who demonstrate exceptional leadership qualities and proven academic ability. This scholarship award is valued at $1,500 ($750 each term) which is renewed for up to three additional years.

The student must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be a first-time freshman student enrolling immediately following high school graduation
  • Minimum 3.25 high school GPA and a minimum 23 ACT composite score
  • Requires documented current leadership activities in civic community and student organizations
  • Requires continued leadership participation during freshman year in select student organizations on the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga campus
  • Open to any Tennessee or out-of-state student

Additional Endowed Scholarships

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is proud to offer a broad array of scholarships that help students complete their education. These scholarships represent the generous support of former students, faculty, and friends of the University who wish to ensure that UTC continues to recruit, enroll, and retain a qualified student body and to prepare those students to work and live in a diverse and global community as citizens and leaders. The following link describes scholarships available for the 2012-2013 academic year:



University Honors Program Scholars


Each year 30 to 40 outstanding freshmen entering the University Honors Program are selected to receive enhanced four-year scholarships covering the cost of tuition, fees, books and a large portion of campus housing. The selection of these scholars, based on their strengths in academics, service, and leadership, is made by the faculty and staff of the University Honors Program. Applicants must file both a regular application for admission to the University and a special application for admission to the UHON Program by December 1 of the applicant’s senior year in high school.

The following endowed funds support the program:

William E. Brock, Jr. Scholarship: Established in 1979 by University of Chattanooga Foundation in honor of William E. Brock, Jr., a longtime member of the UC Board of Trustees.

Paul Koblentz Memorial Scholarship: Established in 1990 through a bequest from Abe J. Koblentz as a memorial to his deceased son in order to provide scholarships for deserving students.

Dorothea Woods Obear Scholarship: Established in 1990 by Chancellor Frederick Obear in memory of his mother who had a strong interest in the University and its honors program. The scholarship goes to a student in the University Honors Program.

Vasconez and Donovan Scholarship: Established in 1994 by James M. Donovan, a UTC Brock Scholar graduate of the Class of 1981. The scholarship, in memory of his partner Jorge Vasconez, is for students in the University Honors Program.

Roberta M. “Bobbie” Yates Scholarship: Established in 1998 from the estate of her husband, Arthur E. Yates, an alumnus of UT and president of the Yates Bleachery Company of Flintstone, Ga., for University Honors students with financial need.