Feb 14, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog Archived Catalog

Advising, Orientation, and Registration

Academic Advising at UTC

Academic advising is an important part of a student’s education. The advising process helps students choose the proper sequence of courses to meet their academic needs and interests and to ensure a timely graduation. Given the importance of course selection, the University requires all students to work with an academic advisor before registering for classes each semester. Students should always consult their advisors when creating or revising their course schedules.

This chapter reviews the advising and registration processes. More specifically, this chapter reviews the orientation program in which all undergraduate students participate when they start their education at UTC and the advisement and registration processes that they will follow for each semester they are enrolled at UTC.

Important Advising Resources

Advisors: Academic advisors are members of the faculty teaching in the student’s major. Some colleges and programs use professional staff to advise students. Students can find the name of their advisor in their MyMocsNet account.

Students who have declared majors are assigned advisors within the academic departments. Students who have not declared a major and have fewer than 42 earned hours will be advised by an advisor in the Center for Advisement and Student Success.

Advisement: Before a student may enroll in courses for the semester, he or she must meet with an advisor. This advisor will help the student select courses that meet the student’s needs and interests. The advisor can also help the student with other questions about academic matters.

Alternate Pin: At the end of the advisement session, the advisor will give the student an alternate pin (advisement code). The student must use this pin to register for classes online. The alternate pin changes each semester.

Catalog: The Undergraduate Catalog lists the requirements for specific academic degrees, provides course descriptions and pre- or corequisites for all courses, and lists all degree and University graduation requirements. Each departmental section lists the requirements for the major, minor, and other academic programs that the department provides. Some courses require students to meet certain criteria, known as corequisites and prerequisites, before enrolling in the course. Each course description in this catalog lists the course requirements. Students should review these course descriptions to ensure they have the necessary requirements and permission to enroll in the course.

MyMocsDegree: MyMocsDegree (UTC’s degree audit program) is available in each student’s Banner Self-Service account. MyMocsDegree indicates a student’s major, catalog year, advisor, remaining requirements, completed courses, attempted and earned hours, and grade point average. This information will guide the student and advisor in selecting appropriate courses. Students may review and print their respective MyMocsDegree evaluations online through their MyMocsNet account.

Registration: Registration is the process where the student enrolls in courses. Students must register online. Registration instructions can be found on the Records Office website at www.utc.edu/Administration/Records/

Schedule of Classes: Several weeks before the registration process begins, the Records Office posts the class schedule online at www.utc.edu/. This web page allows students to review all the available courses for the upcoming semester. For each course, the web page lists the course reference number (CRN), the course name and number and the number of each section of the course. The web page also lists the name of the instructor, the days and times that the course meets, the maximum enrollment, any pre- or co-requisites, and the number of students currently enrolled in each section of the course. Students should consult the Schedule of Classes to prepare a preliminary schedule before meeting with the advisor.

The Center for Advisement and Student Success: Located in Room 108 of the University Center, the Center for Advisement and Student Success provides professional advisors to help students in their academic growth and adjustment to university life. These advisors provide academic advising for most freshmen as well as for students who have not declared a major. In addition to course selection and registration, these advisors provide students with information regarding student support services.

The Records Office: The Records Office, located in 109 Race Hall, maintains all student academic records, coordinates course scheduling and registration processes, certifies NCAA continuing academic eligibility, certifies veterans, and verifies students’ eligibility for graduation.

New Student Orientation and Registration



The Orientation Office in coordination with the Admissions Office, the Center for Advisement and Student Success, Academic Affairs, and the Student Development Office provides the new student orientation programs for freshmen and transfer students. These programs introduce students to the campus and University life.

Each orientation session includes a tour of the campus, an explanation of its facilities and academic programs, small group discussions with faculty and students, advising and registration, and the opportunity to become acquainted with fellow students.

The University also hosts an optional Parent Orientation. The Parent Orientation occurs at the same time as the student orientation and helps parents learn about campus services, financial aid, and other topics.

Participation in an orientation session is mandatory for all new students. The dates for upcoming sessions are found on the Orientation web pages www.utc.edu/Administration/Orientation. Orientation information is sent to all accepted students. Information regarding orientation registration, fees, and other requirements is included in the packet. Students should carefully read this information as well as online pre-orientation information prior to attending an orientation session. Students register for orientation sessions online. Orientation availability is limited, and students may register on a first come, first served basis. Students are encouraged to register for orientation early. Once registered for orientation, students receive email confirmation of registration.

Prior to attending an orientation session, the student must have completed the admission process. A final high school transcript, college transcripts for joint-enrollment credit, and Advanced Placement scores must be sent to the Admission Office. The student must return the completed medical history form to Student Development prior to course registration. Other orientation information (e.g., housing, meals, contact information, etc.) can be found on the freshman and transfer student orientation web pages: www.utc.edu/Administration/orientation. For additional information, contact the Orientation Office at (423) 425-5220.

English Placement Policy

UTC uses a Directed Self-Placement process to help students determine the appropriate English class. Students with an ACT English subscore of 30 or higher must take only ENGL 1020 to satisfy General Education requirements for Rhetoric and Composition. Students with ACT English subscores of 25-29 begin in English 1010. Students with ACT English subscores of 24 or lower have the option of taking ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1011, which includes a one-hour tutorial to help ensure their success in college composition. Students should begin by visiting the UTC Directed Self Placement website (www.utc.edu/Academic/DirectedSelfPlacement) to familiarize themselves with the composition courses and then examine their writing and reading practices using the Directed Self-Placement Questionnaire. The website will help students learn the detailed expectations of each course so that they can make a selection based on their ability to meet those expectations. After students have decided which course is best for them, they will complete an Academic Interest Questionnaire (AIQ). Students should read all the Directed Self-Placement information carefully before making a choice. Students should also consult with a high school counselor, teachers, parents, and others who are familiar with their writing and study habits before making a final placement decision. Note: Students who transfer the equivalent of English 1006 or 1010 do not follow this placement process, but will be expected to enroll in the next sequential English course until composition requirements are completed.

Mathematics Placement System

UTC no longer gives a mathematics placement test and, but state law, no longer offers developmental mathematics courses. Returning students who have taken the mathematics placement test may continue to use their Mathematics Placement Test Level to determine their eligibility for mathematics courses as shown in the table below.

How to Determine Appropriate Mathematics Courses

Students may use the higher of their UTC Mathematics Placement Test Level, ACT Mathematics subscore, or SAT Mathematics subscore to determine their eligibility for a mathematics course. The following table should be used in conjunction with the mathematics requirements for a specific major and with prerequisite course requirements to determine a student’s first mathematics course.

For sequential courses, including MATH 1130-MATH 1830, MATH 1710-MATH 1720-MATH 1910, and MATH 2150-MATH 2160, students may, under unusual circumstances, start with a lower level course than the course listed in the following table. In no case may a student start with a higher level course.

The Mathematics Department strongly encourages students to enroll in a mathematics course during their first year at UTC. Success in mathematics requires that students remember specific skills learned in previous mathematics courses.

Math Placement
Test Levels
ACT Math Subscore   SAT Math Subscore Math Course
05, 15, 20 Not required1   Not required1 MATH 1010 - Mathematics in Our Modern World2
05, 15, 20 Not required1   Not required1 MATH 2100 - Introductory Statistics3
05, 15, 20 Not required1   Not required1 MATH 2150 - Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers I
20 22 or higher   520 or higher MATH 1130 - College Algebra2, 4
20 22 or higher   520 or higher MATH 1710 - Precalculus I 2, 4
30 26 or higher   590 or higher MATH 1830 - Calculus for Management, Life, and Social Sciences2
30 26 or higher   590 or higher MATH 1720 - Precalculus II2
30  26 or higher   590 or higher MATH 2160 - Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers II2
40  28 or higher   630 or higher MATH 1910 - Calculus I2, 4, 5


  1. Students who have not recently taken a mathematics course or who have a MATH ACT score of less than 19 (MATH SAT less than 460) are strongly advised to complete USTU 1050: Foundations of Mathematics before enrolling in MATH 1010, 2100, or 2150.
  2. MATH 1010, 1130, 1830, 1710, 1720, 1910, and 2160 satisfy the General Education Mathematics requirement. These courses also fulfill mathematics requirements for some majors.
  3. MATH 2100 satisfies the General Education Statistics requirement; it does not satisfy the General Education Mathematics requirement. (Certain majors may require a different statistics course for the General Education Statistics requirement.)
  4. Students with a MATH ACT score of less than 19 (MATH SAT less than 460) should enroll in USTU 1050: Foundations of Mathematics before enrolling in this course.
  5. To be eligible for MATH 1910, students must have the equivalent of at least a semester of high school trigonometry.

Students who have MATH ACT scores 19 - 21 (MATH SAT 460 - 510), may elect to participate in Step Ahead, a short course to prepare for College Algebra and Precalculus I. For more information, visit www.utc.edu/Academic/Mathematics/.

Foreign Language

All incoming students who have three years or more of high school study in a single foreign language (and no college level study of the language) and who wish to continue study in that language will be required to take a placement test to determine their level of competence in that language. A student may begin study of the language at the level determined by the placement exam.

New Student Registration

During orientation sessions, students will receive academic advisement and register for courses. In most cases, students who have declared a major will be advised in the major departments.

Students who have not yet declared a major will be advised by personnel from the Center for Advisement and Student Success. In addition to meeting with their major department, student athletes should also meet with staff in the Athletic Department to verify compliance with NCAA regulations. Each student will meet with an academic advisor to determine the student’s courses for the upcoming semester.

Regular Advisement and Registration


Each student must schedule an advisement session before registering for courses for the following semester. This section describes campus resources available to all students to help in the advisement and registration process. This section also presents information related to registering for courses.

The Advising Process

The following sections review the specific advising processes for different groups of students.

Advising for Transfer Students

All transfer students must meet with an advisor before registering for classes. Transfer students who have declared a major should contact the department to schedule an advising session. Transfer students who have not declared a major must contact the Center for Advisement and Student Success located in Room 108 of the University Center or (423) 425-4573 for assistance. Questions or concerns regarding the acceptance of transfer credits should be directed to the Records Office.

Advising for Students Who Have Not Declared a Major

The staff in the Center for Advisement and Student Success advise students who have not yet declared a major. To schedule an appointment with an advisor, the student should go to the Center located in Room 108 of the University Center or call (423) 425-4573.

All students must declare a major after they have completed 42 credit hours.

Pre-Law Students

Students who plan to attend law school should meet with a pre-law advisor in the Department of Political Science, the Department of English, the Department of History, or the Department of Legal Assistant Studies. The advisors help student develop a course of study that will prepare them for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). The pre-law advisor will also suggest additional courses and non-academic activities that will prepare students for law school. Students should also contact their major departments for guidance in completing the Bachelor degree.

Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Students

Students who plan to attend medical or dental school should meet with a pre-medical advisor in either the Department of Chemistry or the Department of Biological and Environmental Science. The advisors help students develop a course of study that will prepare them for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). The minimum requirements for admission to a medical school are 16 hours of Chemistry (general and organic), 8 hours of Biology (general biology), 8 hours of Physics (general physics), and 6 hours of English. The pre-medical advisor will also suggest additional courses and non-academic activities that will prepare students for medical school. Students should also contact their major departments for guidance in completing the Bachelor degree. See this website for a list of health career advisors: http://www.utc.edu/Academic/HealthCareers/1-advisors.php.

Advising for Students Who Have Declared a Major

Most freshmen students are advised in the Center for Advisement and Student Success. All other students who have declared a major should seek regular advising from their major department or their college. When a student declares a major, he or she should meet with the Department Head to be assigned an advisor.

Advising for Students Enrolled in the Honors Program

Because students enrolled in the University Honors Program (UHON) must complete a unique curriculum, they are advised by members of the Honors Program staff as well as by the faculty of their major departments.

Freshman honors students are required to meet with a program advisor each semester to review their goals and academic progress and to plan schedules for subsequent semesters. Sophomore, junior, and senior honors students are strongly encouraged to schedule advisement and review sessions with the staff. Each semester, the Honors Program Director reviews the academic progress and standing of all students in the program and meets with students to discuss areas of concern.

In addition, all honors students enroll in one of four special advisement courses (UHON 1000r, UHON 2000r, UHON 3000r, or UHON 4000r), which offer information on academic and career planning, unique opportunities to enhance students’ educational experiences, and university resources appropriate to the student’s class level and goals.

Advising for the Student-Athlete

Students who are members of University varsity sport teams should seek the advice of their major department and the athletic academic advisor to ensure they remain eligible to participate in their sport.

Advising for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities should follow the regular advising procedures described above. During the advising process, the student should ensure that the advisor understands the accommodations that the student requires and that the course schedule reflects these needs. Students and advisors are strongly encouraged to contact the Disability Resource Center located in 102 Frist Hall or call (423) 425-4006 should specific questions about the student’s needs arise.

General Rules and Guidelines Related to Selecting Courses


This section reviews the general guidelines students should follow when selecting courses. Other sections of this catalog present more specific rules and regulations regarding specific degree requirements.

Classification of Students

The University classifies undergraduate students as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors according to the number of credit hours the student has completed. The student’s classification determines the level of course for which the student may enroll. The following table presents the relation between class standing and semesters hours completed.

  Freshman 0-29 semester hours
  Sophomore 30-59 semester hours
  Junior 60-89 semester hours
  Senior 90 or more semester hours

Course Numbers and Levels

The course number represents its appropriateness for a student’s classification. The following table presents the course levels and corresponding classification of students who should enroll in the courses.

0000-0999 Activity and select music ensemble courses.
1000-1999 Primarily for freshmen but may be taken by sophomores and juniors. The faculty recommend that seniors do not enroll in these courses.
2000-2999 Primarily for sophomores but open to juniors and seniors.
3000-3999 For juniors and seniors.
4000-4999 For seniors.
5000-7999 Restricted to graduate students. Courses at this level cannot be used for an undergraduate degree.

In special circumstances a student may register for a course at a level above his or her classification in accordance with departmental policy and with the recommendation of the advisor. Freshmen may not register for 3000- and 4000-level courses without the approval of the department that houses the course.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Many courses require that students fulfill one or more prerequisites and/or corequisites to enroll in the course. Each course description in this catalog lists the course requirements. A prerequisite is a course that must be successfully completed before the student may enroll in the course. A corequisite is a course in which the student is required to enroll during the same semester. Students should review these course descriptions before registering for the class. Students who do not have the required pre- and/or corequisites will have their registration in that class cancelled. Students must meet pre- and corequisites in effect at the time of registration for the course.

Courses Requiring Special Permission for Registration

Some courses require special permission before students may register for the course. The course listing will list these requirements along with the course prerequisites. Students should review these course descriptions and obtain the necessary permission before registration.

Freshmen may not register for 3000- and 4000-level courses without the approval of the department that houses the course.

Grade Point Average Definitions

  • Institutional Semester: Includes UTC work for the current semester (excludes developmental course work).
  • Institutional Cumulative: Includes all UTC work posted to the student’s academic record—cumulative meaning more than one semester (excludes developmental course work).
  • Transfer Semester: Includes the transfer work for the current semester posted to the student’s academic record.
  • Transfer Cumulative: Includes all transfer work and work for the current semester—cumulative meaning more than one semester.
  • Overall Semester: Includes UTC and transfer work posted to the student’s academic record.
  • Overall Cumulative: Includes all UTC and transfer work posted to the student’s academic record—cumulative meaning more than one semester.

Continuation standards are based upon the overall GPA for all students.

Deficiency Courses


Students admitted with a high school deficiency may satisfy that deficiency by taking the appropriate course identified in the chart below.

Subject Area High School
Courses that Satisfy a Deficiency
English 4 units ENGL 1010, ENGL 1011
Mathematics 2 units Algebra
1 unit Geometry
Math requirements are satisfied by MATH 1010, MATH 1130, MATH 1830, MATH 1710, MATH 1720, MATH 1910/MATH 1911
Laboratory Science 2 units GEOL 1000, ESC 1500 , GNSC 1110/GNSC 1110L
American History 1 unit 6 hours from HIST 2010, HIST 2020, HIST 3440
Social Science
(Geography, World or European History)
1 unit GEOG 1030  or HIST 1020
A single foreign Language 2 units 1 or 2 semesters of the same foreign language
Visual/Performing Arts 1 unit ART 1110, MUS 1110 , THSP 1110  or THSP 1150

Undergraduate Degrees

The University offers undergraduate programs that lead to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and Bachelor of Social Work. Majors offered within these degrees are as follows. Specific requirements for these degrees are outlined in the appropriate colleges and divisions.

Click here to Undergraduate Degrees .

Responsibility for Following Degree Requirements

Each student is responsible for understanding and following the policies outlined in this catalog and for understanding the specific degree requirements for his or her program of study. The “Academic Regulations” chapter of this catalog describes the general requirements that all students must fulfill to complete a Bachelor’s degree. The “Course Listing” section describes the course requirements for each major. Although faculty and other University officials may offer advice regarding particular matters, the student must ensure that he or she understands the consequence of acting on such advice. Moreover, the student assumes sole responsibility for the consequence of creating or modifying his or her course schedule.

The Records Office is responsible for determining whether the student has fulfilled the requirements for the degree.

The Office of Financial Aid is responsible for determining the student’s eligibility for specific financial aid and scholarship considerations. Students are responsible for understanding that altering the course schedule may jeopardize the eligibility for financial support.

Registering For Classes

All UTC students are responsible for registering for courses. The Records Office updates MyMocsNet each semester with registration appointment times. Students may register anytime after their registration appointment time but not before. Students must be advised to receive their alternate pin. Students must register online through MyMocsNet. Online registration requires an alternate pin.

Registration Limits and Excess Hours

Students may register for 20 or fewer hours each semester without prior approval of the Petitions Committee. Students must receive advanced approval of the Petitions Committee to register for more than 20 hours.

Students requesting approval of the Petitions Committee to register for excess hours for a given semester must submit the petition to the Records Office (109 Race Hall) no later than one week prior to the first day of class for each semester. The petition form can be accessed through the UTC website at www.utc.edu/Administration/Records/forms.php.

Drop/Add Policy

All students are responsible for processing their course registrations, additions and drops. All students who register must pay fees unless the student drops the courses before the first day of classes. Failure to attend classes is not evidence of the student’s intent to drop classes or withdraw from the University. Students who do not attend classes will remain on the class roster and will receive grades for these courses. Registration and drop dates for each specific term can be found on the University’s online calendar.

Closed Classes

Students may find that a course is closed when attempting to add the course to the schedule. If there are not other suitable sections of the course, students may seek permission of the department head in which the class is housed for permission to enroll in the closed class.

Auditing Classes

Students who wish to attend undergraduate classes without earning credit or receiving grades may register as auditors. Students auditing a course are under no obligation of preparation, recitation, or examination, and receive no letter grades or credit. Fees for auditing courses are the same as those for courses taken for credit. Audit grading is based upon attendance. Students may not change from audit to credit after the publicized date in the academic calendar each semester.

Students register online for credit and then notify the Records Office by sending an email to records@utc.edu to change the type of credit to audit.

Modifying the Course Schedule

Students may alter the course schedule before the term begins and during the first two weeks of classes. Only students registered in the first week of classes may modify their schedule in the second week of classes. There are no new registrations in the second week. If a student was not registered in the first week of classes, they may not register in the second week. The Academic Regulations  section presents specific rules governing the addition and withdrawal from courses. Students who receive financial aid or scholarships should consider modifying their schedules with care as some changes may produce negative financial consequences. For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office.

Attending Class

Each member of the faculty may establish an attendance policy for his or her courses and should describe the policy in the course syllabus. Faculty may choose to use attendance to determine a portion of the student’s final course grade. Consequently, students should ensure that they understand and follow the instructor’s attendance policy.

Although the University does not have a uniform attendance policy, students should attend all scheduled meetings of the course. Students assume sole responsibility for obtaining information presented during a missed class session. Students who miss assignments, tests, and other exercises may complete the missing work at the instructor’s discretion.

Failure to attend scheduled class meetings is not evidence of the student’s intent to withdraw from a course. Students wishing to withdraw from courses must withdraw online or submit a Request to Withdraw form to the Records Office during the official drop period. Students cannot withdraw from a course either online or in the Records Office after the official last day to withdraw for the semester or summer term. Failure to withdraw officially from any course will result in a grade of F if the student has not successfully completed the assigned work.

Students who have not registered for a course may not attend or otherwise participate in the course. ^Top