Feb 19, 2025  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog Archived Catalog

Student Life and Educational Services


Accommodations and Assistance


Center for Career and Leadership Development

Computing Resources, UTC Campus

Computer Network and Acceptable Use Practices: Privileges and Responsibilities

Center for Professional Education

Counseling Center

Dining Services


ID Cards

Information Technology (IT)



Student Handbook

Teaching Resource Center, Grayson H. Walker

University Health Services


Accommodations and Assistance

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is strongly committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act and assuring that no qualified individual is by reason of disability, excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of any services, programs, or activities provided by the University. The Disability Resource Center (DRC) provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities whenever necessary to afford otherwise qualified students access to services, programs, or activities. The Executive Director for Equity and Inclusion olds the responsibility of ensuring University compliance with ADA. For more information about the DRC, please come by the office located in the University Center Room 352, or call (423) 425-4006. 



The University Bookstore is operated by Barnes & Noble Bookstores, Inc. The store is located in the University Center and offers new and used textbooks for all courses and all required supplies for class along with UTC merchandise—T-shirts, sweatshirts, fraternity and sorority items, etc. Services provided include daily book buy-back with price paid on wholesale basis. Prices are higher at the end of the semester, and many fluctuate depending on inventory needs of the bookstore for the next semester.

The Bookstore accepts checks, cash, Mocs Cards, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover cards. For more information, please contact the bookstore at (423) 425-4107.


Center for Career and Leadership Development

Located in Room 108 of the University Center, the Center for Career and Leadership Development prepares students to identify and leverage your potential while at UTC, and ultimately, when you transition into the workplace. We have developed a model to help you in becoming the next strong leader, community member, and employee. The Center for Career and Leadership Development assists UTC students and UTC alumni through activities aligned to our four anchor words: EXPLORE, DISCOVER, CONNECT, and ACHIEVE.

Students should engage with the Center early in their time at UTC to clarify their interests, gain experience, discover internships and employment opportunities, serve meaningful causes, and join their emerging career community. The Center for Career and Leadership Development administers UTC’s Handshake platform (a comprehensive connection point between talent and employment opportunities) and hosts/sponsors networking sessions and career fairs throughout the year.

For more information, see the Center’s Home Page: www.utc.edu/ccld

Arts-Based Collaborative

The Arts-Based Collaborative at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (ABC at UTC) is a community-engaged center under the College of Health, Education, and Professional Studies. Formerly known as the Southeast Center for Education in the Arts (SCEA), ABC at UTC builds off the center’s extensive history of facilitating interdisciplinary programs in and through the arts. The mission of ABC at UTC is to integrate arts-based solutions across multiple fields and disciplines to shape a collaborative workforce while amplifying diverse voices, perspectives, and skillsets into an arts-rich world of today and tomorrow. Under the guidance of the Lyndhurst Chair of Excellence in Arts Education, ABC at UTC activates its mission by collaborating with teaching artists to facilitate classroom residencies in conjunction with program partners, including our affiliate with the Wolf Institute for Early Learning through the Arts. UTC students pursuing careers in arts education have opportunities to work alongside ABC at UTC teaching artists and contribute to other interdisciplinary projects such as the Simulated Patient Actor Program in partnership with the UTC School of Nursing’s graduate programs and activities focused on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) in collaboration with the Challenger STEM Learning Center.


Center for Economic Education, The Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise

The Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise and its associated Center for Economic Education design and implement research projects and educational programs to educate UTC students, secondary and elementary school teachers, and the general public, including the clergy, media, employees, and business executives, about basic economic principles and the unique features of the free enterprise system.


Computing Resources, UTC Campus

UTC’s computing resources maintain and manage campus hardware and software through campus laboratories, administrative and academic mainframes, and data communication networks. 


Computer Network and Acceptable Use Practices: Privileges and Responsibilities

Students are expected to read, understand, and follow UTC’s “Acceptable Use Practices” policy. The full description of Acceptable Use Practices for UTC is available online


Center for Professional Education

The Center for Professional Education is the primary outreach division of UTC. Our mission is to provide professional and workforce development training opportunities for those who are already in the workforce or who are looking to enter a new career opportunity.  Programming opportunities include professional credentialing programs for Supply Chain, Project Management, Human Resources, and Information Technology.  Workforce development programming included certification programs in medical careers, IT security, web development, and cloud computing. 

Access to full catalog of offerings available online.


Counseling Center

The Counseling Center offers enrolled students a variety of mental health services including: individual and group counseling, psychiatric services, and crisis intervention. Consultation services, workshops and other programs are developed and available for the University community as needed. The Counseling Center staff includes professionally trained counselors and other helping professionals who have achieved appropriate certification and/or licensure at the state and national levels. Graduate level counseling students work under the supervision of the Center’s professional staff.

Issues for which students receive counseling include: relationship difficulties, roommate issues, difficulty in classes, adjusting to college, family issues, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and other mental health concerns. The Center is open 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. If a student is experiencing a crisis or emergency, they may be seen at any time during business hours. If a mental health emergency happens after office hours, please call the CARE line at 423-425-CARE(2273) to speak with a professional.

The services of the Center are confidential and free to students with the exception of psychiatric appointments. Individuals are evaluated by staff counselors to determine what types of services are appropriate. Center staff can provide referrals for students who need more intensive or specialized services. Students may contact the Counseling Center by phone at (423) 425-4438, visit our website or stop by the University Center, Room 338 to schedule an appointment.


Dining Services

UTC Dining Services, operated by Aramark recognizes the hectic and demanding schedule that college students balance. The key to dining satisfaction is a variety of options, and at UTC you’ll find something for every taste.

From national offerings like Subway, Chick-Fil-A, Starbucks, Panda Express, Freshens, Einstein Brother’s, and Moe’s Southwest Grill to campus brands like Dipper’s and our new Local Restuarant Row, the choices go on and on. The University Center Food Court offers the largest selection and Campus Crossroads is the place for the best in all-you-can-eat dining. Campus meal plans offer the most bang for your buck.

For Residential meal plan questions, please contact the Mocs Card Services Office at 423.425.5819 or mocscard@utc.edu.

For Non-residential meal plan questions, please contact Dining Services at 423.425.2676.


UTC offers a unique web based tool for graduate students and other members of the campus community to search for off campus housing and to even find roommates, if desired. You may learn more about off campus housing options by visiting http://offcampushousing.utc.edu. There is a limited on campus housing availability for graduate students, but you may learn more about these options, rates and the application process by visiting www.utc.edu/housing.


ID Cards

The University provides each student with an official University ID card, the Mocs Card. This card is used to gain admission to athletic events, to check out books from the library, to obtain special rates and privileges at many University functions, and to indicate the individual’s right to use University facilities. Mocs Cards can also be used as a debit card using Scrappy Cash at the following locations:

Food Services including: University Center Food Court, Campus Crossroads, West Campus Housing, UC POD Market, South Campus Subway/POD Market, Lupton Hall
Participating Off Campus Merchants
GET FOOD Mobile Ordering
MocsPrint Stations
Graphic/Mail Services
Counseling Center
ARC- Guest and Equipment Center
Select copy and vending machine locations
University Health Services

A student’s account can be managed online through the GET app by registering at https://get.cbord.com/utc/full/prelogin.php. Money can be added to your mocs card online through the GET app by depositing Scrappy Cash using a credit card. Also, deposits can be made in the form of cash or check in the UTC Bursar’s Office, 274 University Center.  

The ID Office is located in the University Center, Room 262, next to the University Bookstore. The phone number is (423) 425-2218 or (423) 425-5819. A student’s initial Mocs Card is intended to last throughout a student’s entire stay at UTC. Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately through the GET app found on the Mocs Card Office webpage (https://www.utc.edu/finance-and-administration/auxiliary-services/mocs-card). UTC is not liable for any loss of funds due to misuse or theft of a student’s Mocs Card. Replacement cards (lost, broken or damaged) are made at the ID Office for a cost of $15* to be paid at the Bursar’s Office. Once a replacement card is made, previous card cannot be reactivated under any circumstances. No fee is charged for the initial card. Replacement of a card due to a change in cardholder status or name is free; however, the old card must be presented in exchange. The filing of a police report does not waive the replacement fee of a stolen card.

Money deposited in book points or Scrappy Cash may be refunded to students upon graduation, in accordance with the University policy. At the time of account closure, a $15 service fee and any other debts due to the University will be deducted from the balance. The University does not process refund checks for under $3; therefore, no refunds will be given for balances of $18 or less. A completed Account Closure Request Form must be submitted to the Mocs Card Office for processing. See Mocs Card Brochure for more detailed information or visit our website. (*This fee is subject to change.)


Information Technology (IT) 

The mission of the Division of Information Technology is to serve as the innovative strategic partner in advancing UTC’s drive to excellence in teaching, research and public service. 

The Help Desk supplies technical support including troubleshooting of hardware and software and assistance in connecting to the campus network. Audiovisual technology is provided through permanent classroom installations and equipment delivery upon request. For more information on technology services, visit our website



The University recommends that students obtain separate hospitalization and medical insurance. A health insurance policy is offered through the University and covers a schedule of expenses for surgery and hospitalization in case of accident or illness. International students may have health insurance requirements. Information about this policy is mailed to students in the summer. Additional information is available on the University Health Services website.

A few of the academic programs (such as nursing) have a health insurance requirement; students should inquire directly with the program director if there is a question regarding their program requirements.


Theresa Liedtka, Professor and Dean, UTC Library

The Library is the academic and intellectual heart of the campus, giving you the necessary support for success. Here you’ll find professional librarians and staff to help you with your research, great study spaces, including 40 group study rooms, and access to a large collection of scholarly resources and materials. The Library, which opened in 2016, features state-of-the-art services such as a full-service multimedia studio, a Writing and Communication Center, the largest computer lab on campus. You can also attend free workshops in the fall and spring semesters which provide you with skills to achieve success, covering topics like research, organization, and writing as well as software and technology. Below are just some of the other wonderful services available to you:

What can you get in the library?
  • Open study spaces & private study rooms  
  • Research, writing, & technology assistance
  • Windows & Apple computers                                    
  • Printing, copying, & scanning services
  • Audio & Video Recoding Rooms
  • Course Reserves
  • Rare Books & Manuscripts
  • Newspapers & Magazines
  • Books & articles, electronic & in print
  • and more!
What can you borrow from the library?
  • Books, e-books, and other literature                               
  • Music & audiobooks              
  • Laptops & Chromebooks
  • DVDs of popular movies and TV shows
  • Headphones, phone chargers, & USB drives
  • Scientific Calculators
  • Cameras, audio equipment, & accessories
  • Study rooms & meeting rooms
  • Whiteboards & supplies
  • and more!
Regular Library Hours*

Monday - Thursday:                7:45 a.m. - Midnight
Fridays:                                 7:45 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays:                              9:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Sundays:                               9:00 a.m. - Midnight

UTC Students also have swipe access to a secure 24/5 area with printing available, Sunday to Thursday overnight for after-hours use

Need Help? Contact us!


Call: (423) 425-4510
Text: (423) 561-0564

Chat at us with the Ask a Librarian button

Email: library@utc.edu




Student Handbook

Distributed at the beginning of each academic year, the Student Handbook provides detailed information on student services. It also contains information on the Student Government Association and specific rules for the purpose of regulating campus life. These rules are stated in the Honor Code, Student Conduct Code, and other codes regulating groups.


Teaching Resource Center, Grayson H. Walker

The Grayson H. Walker Teaching Resource Center staff works with faculty to improve teaching and learning, and to integrate technology into the classroom. The Walker Teaching Resource Center provides campus-wide faculty development seminars, workshops, and individual consultations on methods to improve teaching, learning, and to integrate technology into the classroom. Virtual workshops on topics are also available through the Walker Teaching Resource Center Web site at www.utc.edu/Teaching-Resource-Center. The Walker Teaching Resource Center provides instructional design consultation for faculty who wish to produce multimedia and other instructional materials.


University Health Services

The staff of the University Health Services (UHS) seeks to give every student optimum health care. Services include visits for acute and chronic illnesses, physical exams, screenings, immunizations, lab services, on site testing for illnesses (such as strep, COVID, and flu), TB skin testing and allergy shots. UHS is located in the Maclellan Gymnasium facility in the center of campus. The entrance to UHS is off Terrell Owens Drive, directly across from the University Center entrance. University Health Services is staffed by nurse practitioners and provides primary health services to students. There is no charge for office visits, and minimal charges for services such as laboratory tests and immunizations. We strongly encourage all students to carry personal health insurance, either through their family health plan or by enrolling in the UT Student Health Insurance Program, an affordable health care coverage plan.

Students are required to bring their UTC ID at every visit. University Health Services does not accept insurance, but your insurance card is needed for any outside laboratory testing, imaging, or referrals.

Students will find additional information about UHS and UTC Health insurance on the University Health Services website.

Additional questions can be sent through email at universityhealthservices@utc.edu or by calling (423) 425-2266.


Wheeler Center for Odor Research

The William H. Wheeler Center for Odor Research is a cross-disciplinary program established by a gift from the Wheeler estate. The center supports the study of the objective relationships between various substances and their effect upon olfaction.

