Feb 12, 2025  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog Archived Catalog

Student Life and Educational Services


Accommodations and Assistance

Asia Program


Cadek Conservatory of Music

Career and Student Employment Center

Children’s Center

Computing Resources, UTC Campus

Computer Network and Acceptable Use Practices: Privileges and Responsibilities

Lifelong Learning

Counseling and Career Planning

Dining Services


ID Cards

Information Technology (IT)


Minority Affairs

Oak Ridge Associated Universities

Student Handbook

Teaching Resource Center, Grayson H. Walker

University Health Services

Writing Center


News and Weather

Our City




Accommodations and Assistance

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is strongly committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act and assuring that no qualified individual is by reason of disability, excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of any services, programs, or activities provided by the University. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities whenever necessary to afford otherwise qualified students access to services, programs, or activities. The Director, Michelle Rigler, holds the responsibility of ensuring University compliance with ADA. For more information, please come by the OSD office located at 102 Frist Hall, or call (423) 425-4006. 

Asia Program

The purpose of the Asia Program is to enhance understanding of Asia by the general public and the University community through a variety of educational services including courses, exchanges, summer institutes, and publications such as Education About Asia.



The University Bookstore is operated by Barnes & Noble Bookstores, Inc. The store is located in the University Center and offers new and used textbooks for all courses and all required supplies for class along with UTC merchandise—T-shirts, sweatshirts, fraternity and sorority items, etc. Services provided include daily book buy-back with price paid on wholesale basis. Prices are higher at the end of the semester, and many fluctuate depending on inventory needs of the bookstore for the next semester.

The Bookstore accepts checks, cash, Mocs Cards, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover cards. For more information, please contact the bookstore at (423) 425-4107.


Cadek Conservatory of Music

The Cadek Conservatory has as its goal the education of music students of all ages who are not enrolled at the University level. The conservatory offers applied music courses in virtually all instruments and voice in a curriculum which includes theory, chamber music, and other ensemble activity. This comprehensive curriculum has special courses for young children including Suzuki violin and piano.

The conservatory is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music and the National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts. The faculty ranges from full-time conservatory teachers to public school music teachers who serve part-time. The faculty includes many University music faculty and other prominent performing musicians as well.

For further information, please consult the Cadek Conservatory of Music Bulletin or call (423) 425-4624.

Career and Student Employment Center

Located in Room 315 of the University Center, the Career and Student Employment Center assists UTC students and UTC alumni through job postings, resume assistance, mock interviews, professional skills assistance and career fairs.

Students should register with the center early in their final year to take advantage of the employment recruiting season, the center’s Job Opportunities bulletin, and various seminars and workshops. Individual employment counseling is also available.
Southeast Center for Education in the Arts

The Southeast Center for Education in the Arts is an umbrella for three institutes in arts education that focus on music, theatre, and visual arts. Since 1988, the Center has operated intensive professional development programs to help administrators, arts specialists, classroom teachers, artists and parents understand the nature of art, music, and theatre as they discover exciting ways to integrate the arts into the curriculum.

SCEA has leveraged more the $7 million in support of local and regional education efforts.

Beginning with two local school districts, the work of the Center has grown to encompass more than 450 elementary and secondary schools representing 85 districts in eight states (Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia). School teams consisting of administrators, arts specialists, classroom teachers, artists, and parents interact to develop unique and exciting arts education programs that are integrally linked to the overall school curriculum.

One-week Core Institutes are held each summer on the UTC campus. Choosing either dance, music, theatre, visual art, or arts administration, participants investigate the historic and cultural context in which works of art were made, engage in critical and aesthetic discussions and interrelating curriculum. A school participating for the first time is encouraged to send a team comprised of an administrator and at least two teachers for one or more arts areas.

Educators who have previously attended a core institute can continue their professional development through a one-week Multi-Arts Institute. Participants explore a combination of dance, music, theatre, and visual art.

Summer Institute participants can register for two hours of graduate or undergraduate credit for the Core Institute and the Multi-Arts Institute. They must complete extracurricular projects after the institutes end. UTC students can also attend by special arrangement.

For more information, see the Center’s Home Page: www.utc.edu/SCEA.


Center for Economic Education, The Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise

The Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise and its associated Center for Economic Education design and implement research projects and educational programs to educate UTC students, secondary and elementary school teachers, and the general public, including the clergy, media, employees, and business executives, about basic economic principles and the unique features of the free enterprise system.

Children’s Center

The UTC Children’s Center is an early childhood program and learning lab operated by the Department of Human Ecology in the College of Health, Education and Professional Studies. The center serves children from six weeks of age through prekindergarten in two sites located at Brown and Battle Academies. The Tennessee Department of Human Services licenses the center which has attained a Three Star Rating at each site. The center is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The prekindergarten program is approved by the Tennessee Department of Education. The center provides a clinical laboratory environment for early childhood education majors and students in other fields related to children and families.

Priority for enrollment is given to children of UTC faculty, staff and students, faculty and staff of Brown and Battle and attendance zone families. The center maintains a waiting list. These applications are available by calling the center at 209-5735 (Battle) or 209-5740 (Brown). The Coordinator at each site maintains the waiting list and provides tours of the facility.


Computing Resources, UTC Campus

UTC’s computing resources maintain and manage campus hardware and software through campus laboratories, administrative and academic mainframes, and data communication networks. 


Computer Network and Acceptable Use Practices: Privileges and Responsibilities

Students are expected to read, understand, and follow UTC’s “Acceptable Use Practices” policy. The following is not an all-inclusive list but rather a summary of common examples. The full description of Acceptable Use Practices for UTC is available online at: www.utc.edu/Administration/WalkerTeachingResourceCenter/AUP/

· Disrupting network access for others, whether deliberately or unintentionally. Examples: infected computers flooding the network with spam or viruses, P2P file-sharing applications that consume more than a fair share of network resources, improperly configured network devices.

· Using technology resources to violate any State or federal law including copyright and license agreements. Examples: illegally downloading, storing, and/or sharing copyrighted materials, viewing child pornography, theft of confidential information.

· Transmitting abusive, threatening, or harassing messages, chain letters, spam, or other communications prohibited by law or University policy.

· Unauthorized attempts to scan or gain access to systems, accounts, network traffic or information not intended for you.

Violations may result in termination of access, disciplinary review, expulsion, and possible legal action. If you receive notice of an AUP violation, follow the instructions in the notice or contact the Help Desk at (423) 425-4000 as soon as possible.


Safe Computing

Students are advised to keep computers safe from viruses and spyware by following these guidelines.

· Keep Windows up to date

· Have an up-to-date antivirus.

· Be careful where you click. Never open e-mail attachments you weren’t expecting. Don’t click on pop-up ads or install things you don’t really need.

· Run spyware removers/blockers regularly.

· Do not use P2P or torrent software. Almost all “free” music and file-sharing applications install spyware and viruses.

· Be careful who you let use your computer. Roommates, friends, and relatives may click or install things they should not.

· Don’t share your usernames or passwords with anyone.

Students who believe their computer is infected may call the Help Desk at (423) 425-4000 for assistance. If necessary, students may make an appointment to bring PCs to the Student Help Desk in the UC Student Technology Center where staff members will guide users through the reformat or disinfection process. Students must stay with the computer and be an active participant in the process, which typically takes at least two hours.


Lifelong Learning

The Division of Lifelong Learning provides high quality, lifelong learning opportunities to individuals seeking personal growth or professional development programs, workshops, certificates, and/or college degrees to students who are located off-campus.

Online and Distance Education Credit Courses

To meet the needs of individuals who wish to complete degree programs in a non-traditional manner, the university offers a number of courses and programs in distance formats. Distance instruction includes on-site at regional locations, two-way interactive video, and online delivery via the Internet. Persons interested in distance education instruction should contact the Center for Distance Learning (http://www.utc.edu/CenterforDistanceLearning).

Continuing Education and Professional Development

To meet the needs of individuals and groups seeking professional development learning experiences, the division offers a variety of professional development programs in both public and customized formats. The professional development programs carry Continuing Education Units (CEUs), and the division maintains individual transcripts and issues certificates. See http://www.utc.edu/ContinuingEducation.

Community Outreach

To extend University resources to the community, the Division offers personal development programs for all ages, including Youth University, Elderscholars, and courses in art, literature, foreign languages, recreation, money management, and many other areas.

Dual Enrollment

The division coordinates the admission and advisement of local high school students participating in the Tennessee Dual Enrollment program. For more information, call (423) 425-4344 and ask about our Dual Enrollment program.

Meeting Management and Video Production

This service offers a top quality learning environment and a wide variety of program planning and implementation services.

· Fifteen+ meeting rooms with seating from 10 to 450

· Flexible seating arrangements

· Event/conference management services

· Teleconferencing and satellite downlink

· Catering services to meet all your needs

· Registration services

· Video streaming and lecture capture services


Counseling and Career Planning

The Counseling and Career Planning Center at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga offers a variety of services to students. These services include personal, vocational, academic counseling, and crisis intervention for individuals and groups. Consultation services, workshops and other programs are developed and available for the university community.

The staff of the center includes professionally-trained counselors and a psychologist, who have achieved appropriate certification and/or licensure at the state and national levels. The center serves as a practicum site for graduate students who work under the supervision of the center’s professional staff.

Programs and services include: career planning; personal counseling; outreach programs/workshops; consultation; and testing. Information on a wide variety of careers, opportunities, graduate schools, and career development is available from books, pamphlets, audio and video resources, and computers. The resources are provided without charge. There is, however, a minimal charge for testing materials.

The services of the Counseling and Career Planning Center are confidential. New clients come to the center on a walk-in basis. The initial session generally takes about 15 minutes. Location and hours: Counseling & Career Planning Center, University Center, (423) 425-4438, is open Monday through Friday 8 A.M.– 5 P.M. 


Dining Services

UTC Dining Services, operated by Aramark Co., recognizes the hectic and demanding schedule that college students balance. The key to dining satisfaction is a variety of options, and at UTC you’ll find something for every taste.

From national offerings like Subway, Chick-Fil-A, and Quizno’s Subs to campus brands like the traditional cooking at Home Zone and pizza and pasta at Topios, the choices go on and on. Scrappy’s Place in the University Center offers the largest selection and the Campus Crossroads is the place for residential dining.

Campus meal memberships offer the most bang for your buck, and all students who live on campus must enroll in one of the campus meal plans.
Health Services/Insurance

Student health services are provided under the medical direction of University Health Services through a relationship with the UT College of Medicine. Clinic hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The services include orthopedic and sports medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, OB-GYN, and subspecialty medical care, such as cardiology, pulmonary, geriatrics and general surgery. Additional information about University Health Services may be obtained at: www.utc.edu/UniversityHealthServices.

The university recommends that students obtain separate hospitalization and medical insurance. Information about a health insurance policy available through the university and covering a schedule of expenses for surgery and hospitalization is available in Student Health. All international students are required to enroll in the insurance program. For other information concerning University Health Services or to schedule an appointment, please contact Student Health at (423) 425-4453.

All students in the School of Nursing must have health insurance. 



UTC offers a unique web based tool for graduate students and other members of the campus community to search for off campus housing and to even find roommates, if desired. You may learn more about off campus housing options by visiting http://offcampushousing.utc.edu. There is a limited on campus housing availability for graduate students, but you may learn more about these options, rates and the application process by visiting www.utc.edu/housing.


ID Cards

The University provides each student with an official University ID card, the Mocs Card. This card is used to gain admission to athletic events, to check out books from the library, to obtain special rates and privileges at many University functions, and to indicate the individual’s right to use University facilities. Mocs Cards can also be used as a debit card at the following locations:

All Food Service Facilities; Boling Mini-Mart


Computer Labs

Go Print Stations

Graphic Services and Mail Room

Parking Garage and Parking Services

Counseling and Career Planning

ARC-Guest and Equipment Checkout

Select copy and vending machine locations

A student’s account can be managed online through ManageMyID by registering at www.utc.edu/mocscard. A debit card account balance can be activated by depositing cash into the Value Port machine located next to Food Services in the University Center and in the Library. Also, deposits can be made in the form of cash, check, Visa or Mastercard in the Bursar’s Office, University Center.

A student’s initial Mocs Card is intended to last throughout the entire stay at UTC. Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately through ManageMyID. The Mocs Card Office is located in the University Center, ground floor, Room 141. The telephone number is (423) 425-2218 or (423) 425-4109; fax (423) 425-4795. UTC is not liable for any loss of funds due to misuse or theft of a Mocs Card. Replacement cards (lost, broken, or damaged) are made at the Mocs Card Office for a cost of $15 to be paid at the Bursar’s Office. Once a replacement card is made, previous cards cannot be reactivated under any circumstances. No fee is charged for the initial card or for the initial use of the debit card system. A $15 service fee is applied to Mocs Card refunds.


Information Technology (IT) 

The mission of the Information Technology Division is to provide students, faculty, and staff with information technology services that are available, reliable, responsive, cost effective, and delivered in a proactive and courteous manner.

The University provides both general-purpose computer labs and departmental labs. All buildings and dorms on the campus have high-speed Internet access and many have wireless capabilities. Students, faculty and staff have accounts and networked storage for e-mail, documents, and personal web pages. The Help Desk supplies technical support including troubleshooting of hardware and software and assistance in connecting to the campus network. Audiovisual technology is provided through permanent classroom installations and equipment delivery upon request. For more information on technology services, visit http://itd.utc.edu.  



Theresa Liedtka, Professor and Dean, UTC Library

The Library is the academic and intellectual heart of the campus, giving you the necessary support for success. Here you’ll find professional librarians and staff to help you with your research, great study spaces, including 40 group study rooms, and access to a large collection of scholarly resources and materials. The Library, which opened in 2016, features state-of-the-art services such as a full-service multimedia studio, a Writing and Communication Center, the largest computer lab on campus. You can also attend free workshops in the fall and spring semesters which provide you with skills to achieve success, covering topics like research, organization, and writing as well as software and technology. Below are just some of the other wonderful services available to you:

What can you get in the library?
  • Open study spaces & private study rooms  
  • Research, writing, & technology assistance
  • Windows & Apple computers                                    
  • Printing, copying, & scanning services
  • Audio & Video Recoding Rooms
  • Course Reserves
  • Rare Books & Manuscripts
  • Newspapers & Magazines
  • Books & articles, electronic & in print
  • and more!
What can you borrow from the library?
  • Books, e-books, and other literature                               
  • Music & audiobooks              
  • Laptops & Chromebooks
  • DVDs of popular movies and TV shows
  • Headphones, phone chargers, & USB drives
  • Scientific Calculators
  • Cameras, audio equipment, & accessories
  • Study rooms & meeting rooms
  • Whiteboards & supplies
  • and more!
Regular Library Hours*

Monday - Thursday:                7:45 a.m. - Midnight
Fridays:                                 7:45 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays:                              9:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Sundays:                               9:00 a.m. - Midnight

UTC Students also have swipe access to a secure 24/5 area with printing available, Sunday to Thursday overnight for after-hours use

Need Help? Contact us!


Call: (423) 425-4510
Text: (423) 561-0564

Chat at us with the Ask a Librarian button

Email: library@utc.edu




Minority Affairs

The Office of Minority Affairs provides academic and social support to minority students attending UTC. The office works in conjunction with other student groups and the community to encourage cultural diversity. The office sponsors programs such as the Pre-Labor Day Picnic, Black History Month, Littleton H. Mason Singers, Horace J. Traylor Minority Leadership Award, Littleton H. Mason Scholarship; Tennessee Pre-Professional Fellowship Program, and the National Pan-Hellenic Council.

Oak Ridge Associated Universities

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is a sponsoring institution of Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), a not-for-profit consortium of 105 colleges and universities and manage the Oakridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) with principal offices located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Founded in 1946, ORAU identifies and helps solve problems in science, engineering, technology, medicine, and human resources, and assists its member universities to focus their collective strengths in science and technology research on issues of national significance.

ORISE is responsible for national and international programs in science and engineering education, training and management systems, energy and environment systems, and public health/medical sciences. ORISE’s competitive programs bring students at all levels, precollege through postgraduate, and university faculty members into federal and private laboratories.

ORAU’s office for University, Industry, and Government Alliances (UIGA) seeks out opportunities for collaborative alliances among its member universities, private industry, and federal laboratories. Current alliances include the Southern Association for High Energy Physics (SAHEP) and the Center for Bio-Electromagnetic Interaction Research (CBEIR). Other UIGA activities include the sponsorship of conferences and workshops, the Visiting Scholars program, and the Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards.

Contact the director of research at (423) 425-4202 for more information about ORAU programs.




Student Handbook

Distributed at the beginning of each academic year, the Student Handbook provides detailed information on student services. It also contains information on the Student Government Association and specific rules for the purpose of regulating campus life. These rules are stated in the Honor Code, Student Conduct Code, and other codes regulating groups.


Teaching Resource Center, Grayson H. Walker

The Grayson H. Walker Teaching Resource Center staff works with faculty to improve teaching and learning, and to integrate technology into the classroom. The Walker Teaching Resource Center provides campus-wide faculty development seminars, workshops, and individual consultations on methods to improve teaching, learning, and to integrate technology into the classroom. Virtual workshops on topics are also available through the Walker Teaching Resource Center Web site at www.utc.edu/Teaching-Resource-Center. The Walker Teaching Resource Center provides instructional design consultation for faculty who wish to produce multimedia and other instructional materials.


Health Services

The staff of the University Health Services (UHS) seeks to give every student optimum health care. Services include visits for acute and chronic illnesses, physical exams, screenings, immunizations, lab services, on site testing for illnesses (such as strep, COVID, and flu), TB skin testing and allergy shots. UHS is located in the Maclellan Gymnasium facility in the center of campus. The entrance to UHS is off Terrell Owens Drive, directly across from the University Center entrance. University Health Services is staffed by nurse practitioners and provides primary health services to students. There is no charge for office visits, and minimal charges for services such as laboratory tests and immunizations. We strongly encourage all students to carry personal health insurance, either through their family health plan or by enrolling in the UT Student Health Insurance Program, an affordable health care coverage plan.

Students are required to bring their UTC ID at every visit. University Health Services does not accept insurance, but your insurance card is needed for any outside laboratory testing, imaging, or referrals.

Students will find additional information about UHS and UTC Health insurance on the University Health Services website.

Additional questions can be sent through email at universityhealthservices@utc.edu or by calling (423) 425-2266.


Writing Center

The Writing Center helps students from all disciplines at all stages of their educational development to become more skillful, more aware, and more independent writers.

Toward that end, the Center works in co-operation with the UTC Department of English and under the supervision of the Dean of Arts and Sciences to complement and extend students’ classroom experience by providing professional and peer tutoring and consultation. Tutors are trained in the practice of collaborative learning, a teaching/learning venue in which writers become actively engaged in the process of finding their own answers and developing the skills necessary to become their own critics and editors, rather than relying on outside sources for answers.

The objectives of the Center are to:

Supplement and complement instruction students receive in writing classes.

Provide assistance for writing tasks associated with non-writing courses.

Provide resources and an environment in which to work on any writing task, whether it be for a writing class, another class, or personal need.

Provide current references, including handouts, exercises, software, handbooks, and internet resources for use in training writing center personnel, for use in tutoring

sessions, for quick reference for walk-in clients, and for use by faculty across the curriculum.

Provide one-on-one assistance through regularly scheduled help sessions or walk-in sessions; small group instruction; workshops; and classroom consultations.

Provide grammar review and help writers develop their own editing/proofreading strategies, rather than proofreading for writers.

Serve as a resource for all faculty both in their own writing needs and in their use of writing in their classes.

Provide workshops on specific topics of general interest or to meet instructors’ particular needs for their classes.

Provide assistance with work processing or use of software used in writing courses.


Wheeler Center for Odor Research

The William H. Wheeler Center for Odor Research is a cross-disciplinary program established by a gift from the Wheeler estate. The center supports the study of the objective relationships between various substances and their effect upon olfaction.



We’re proud to be Chattanooga’s University! Our city’s renaissance has received international attention, and we’re just getting started.

The University is located only a few blocks from the urban area of Chattanooga, a city that is both highly industrial and rich in natural beauty. Claiming more than 600 industries, Chattanooga lies at the foot of Lookout and Signal Mountains where the Tennessee River forms Moccasin Bend. These sites possess historical significance as well as beauty in a city steeped in the heritage of the Civil War.

The cultural environment of Chattanooga is enhanced by contributions from the University and the many civic organizations that support the arts through dramatic productions, concerts, and art exhibits. Ten city parks, seven public golf courses, and a 35,400 acre lake provide a variety of recreational activities.

With a population of about 162,170 in a metropolitan statistical area of over 466,647, Chattanooga is easily accessible from all parts of the nation by air and bus.

Other local business can be found via Campus Area Yellow Pages.


News and Weather
Our City
Our Attractions
Our Arts

Memorial Auditorium & Tivoli Events  
