2021-2022 Graduate Catalog Archived Catalog 2021-2022 Graduate Catalog |
Welcome to the Online Graduate Catalog
The Graduate Catalog represents the offerings and requirements in effect at the time of publication, but there is no guarantee that they will not be changed or revoked. The course offerings and requirements of the institution are continually under examination and revision. However, adequate and reasonable notice will be given to students affected by any change. This catalog is not intended to state contractual terms and should not be regarded as a contract between the student and the institution. The institution reserves the right to change any provision, offering, or requirement to be effective when determined by the institution. These changes will govern current and readmitted students. Enrollment of all students is subject to these conditions. The current catalog should be referred to during each year of study. The university further reserves the right to dismiss a student from the university for cause at any time.
Mission Statement
The mission of The Graduate School is to provide rigorous advanced instruction, applied research opportunities, financial support, and other support services for graduate students. The Graduate School upholds high program and academic standards in serving the needs of the region, state, and nation. The Graduate School also takes into account the increasing availability of information and the resultant creation of knowledge made possible by advances in technology.
Vision Statement for Distance Education
The vision of graduate distance education is to provide high-quality courses and services so that students may access learning opportunities through the use of appropriate technology and alternative methods of delivery.
Student Responsibility
Graduate students must assume full responsibility for knowledge of rules and regulations of the Graduate School and departmental requirements for the chosen degree program. Any exceptions to the policies stated in the Graduate Catalog must be approved by the Dean of the Graduate School. Individual colleges and departments may have requirements beyond the minimum established by the Graduate School.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Disability Services
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act and assuring that no qualified individual is, by reason of disability, excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of any services, programs, or activities provided by the University.
The Disability Resource Center (DRC) reviews each student’s documentation under the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. ADA mandates that accommodations and adjustments be made in programs and activities in order to provide equal access to qualified persons with disabilities. DRC examines the documentation of each student’s disability to protect the civil rights of the student. Individual determination of appropriate and reasonable accommodations is made specific to the functional limitations of the disability.
For more information, students are encouraged to contact DRC located in the University Center or to call (423) 425-4006.
All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment and admissions without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, or covered veteran status. Eligibility and other terms and conditions of employment benefits at The University of Tennessee Chattanooga are governed by laws and regulations of the State of Tennessee, and this non-discrimination statement is intended to be consistent with those laws and regulations. In accordance with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, The University of Tennessee affirmatively states that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, or disability in its education programs and activities, and this policy extends to employment by the University. Inquiries and charges of violation of Title VI (race, color, national origin), Title IX (sex), Section 504 (disability), ADA (disability), Age Discrimination in Employment Act (age), sexual orientation, or veteran status should be directed to the Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI), 201 Human Resources Center, Dept. 5455, 615 McCallie Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37403-2598, telephone (423) 425-5468. Requests for accommodation of a disability should be directed to the ADA Coordinator at the Office of Equity and Inclusion. Inquiries and charges of violation of Title IX (discrimination based on sex), should contact UTC’s Title IX Coordinator following the process outlined in the Title IX Statement and the Title IX Grievance Procedures, below.
In compliance with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga provides for the confidentiality of student records. Additional information pertaining to the privacy rights of students can be found on the University Registrar’s website.
Title IX Statement
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga does not discriminate on the basis of sex in our education programs or activities, including admissions and employment. The University is required by Title IX not to discriminate in such a manner. The University has a Policy on Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking which may be accessed at utc.edu/sexual-misconduct.
Any inquiries about the application of Title IX should be made to the University’s Title IX Coordinator or to the Assistant Secretary in the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights:
- Title IX Coordinator, 303 University Center, Dept. 1951, 615 McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37403; Phone: (423) 425-4255; Email: titleix@utc.edu.
- Assistant Secretary in the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-1100; Phone: 1-800-421-3481; FAX: 202-453-6012; TDD: 1-800-877-8339; Email: OCR@ed.gov
Title IX Grievance Procedures and University Response
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga utilizes grievance procedures to address complaints and formal reports of sexual harassment. Those procedures are contained within the University’s Policy on Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence and Stalking. Individuals may file a complaint or formal report of discrimination based on sex including sexual harassment by contacting the University’s Title IX Coordinator by phone at (423) 425-4255, by email at titleix@utc.edu, or by mail to Title IX Coordinator, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 303 University Center, Dept. 1951, 615 McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37403. Such a report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours). In response, the University will offer supportive measures and discuss resolution processes with Complainants. For a detailed explanation of the University’s response, please refer to the University’s Policy on Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence and Stalking.
The information contained in this publication most accurately describes the admission policies, regulations, requirements and procedures of the University and the University of Tennessee System regulations. The University reserves the right to delete, substitute, change or supplement any statement in this publication without prior notice.