Feb 14, 2025  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog Archived Catalog

Glossary of Academic Terms

Academic Dismissal–Involuntary separation of a student from a program or institution by administrative action because the student has not met the established academic standards. See also Dismissal; Termination.

Academic Record–The academic history of the student, which lists all of a student’s courses, semester hour credits, grades, quality points, status, and certain personal information.

Accreditation–Recognition of an institution, schools or program by a national or regional organization as meeting certain academic standards for quality and educational environment.

Admission to Candidacy–A certification that the student has demonstrated the ability to do acceptable graduate work and that normal progress has been made toward a degree.

Adviser–A faculty member who advises the student about his or her academic program.

Audit–To take courses without credit.

Candidacy Form–A document submitted by the student once various requirements of the graduate degree program are met. The student then becomes a candidate for the degree. This form must be submitted at least one semester prior to the student’s anticipated graduation.

Center–An administrative unit at an institution of higher education, that specializes in research, teaching or technical assistance related to a particular subject (e.g. transportation center, center for linguistics, adult education center); a facility within an institution for a special education purpose (e.g. learning research center, center for student services, center for continuation education, guidance center); a location off campus where educational programs are conducted.

Certificate– A document confirming satisfactory completion of a program of study; a credential awarded for completion of a short–cycle program.

College–An organizational unit of the University, embracing several departments, divisions or schools. UTC has four colleges: the College of Arts and Sciences; the College of Business; the College of Health, Education and Professional Studies; and the College of Engineering and Computer Science, as well as the Graduate School.

Comprehensive Examination–A test that measures overall knowledge in a given field, or in several fields; a test required for admission to candidacy for an advanced degree. The examination is normally taken when the student has completed, or nearly completed, all prescribed coursework and verifies the candidate’s ability to integrate knowledge within the major and related fields. Often used synonymously with diagnostic, placement, preliminary or qualifying examination.

Concentration–A particular emphasis within a major area; a specialized area of study within a major; a particular perspective, specialized skill training, or content domain within an academic discipline; and, the opportunity to study a sub-discipline within the context of a major. The concentration represents the distinctive course and other requirements that define the concentration within the context of a major.

Credit Hour – The unit of credit is the semester credit hour. One semester credit hour represents an amount of instruction that reasonably approximates both 50 minutes per week of classroom-based direct instruction and a minimum of two hours per week of student work outside the classroom over a fall or spring semester. Normally, each semester credit hour represents an amount of instruction that is equivalent to 700 minutes of classroom-based direct instruction. The amount of time that is required to earn one semester credit hour in a laboratory, fieldwork, studio, or seminar-based course varies with the nature of the subject and the aims of the course; typically, a minimum of two or three hours of work in a laboratory, field, studio, or seminar-based setting is considered the equivalent of 50 minutes of classroom-based direct instruction. Semester credit hours earned in courses such as internships, research, theses, dissertation, etc. are based on outcome expectations established by the academic program.

Curriculum–The whole body of courses offered by the University or by one of its colleges, schools or departments.

Defense of Thesis or Dissertation–A master and doctoral candidate’s oral presentation and discussion of research conducted to satisfy a designated committee that the candidate has attained the stage of scholarly ability and achievement required by the University for final recommendation to the advance degree.

Department–An organizational unit representing a discipline or related disciplines, such as the Department of English.

Dissertation–A written report based on original research, which is required to achieve the doctoral degree. It is usually defended orally before the candidate’s committee and whoever else may wish to attend. The research project represents a significant effort that culminates in a scholarly contribution to the field of inquiry. It reflects the candidate’s ability to conduct independent research and to interpret in a logical manner the facts and phenomena revealed by the investigation. See also Thesis.

Doctoral Committee–Members of the faculty appointed to advise a graduate student, supervise the preparation for a dissertation, conduct the final oral examination, and largely determine if degree requirements have been satisfied.

Domicile–A student’s permanent home and place of habitation; the place where he or she intends to remain or return. The student’s domicile may determine the residency classification in public institutions.

Elective–A course not specifically required.

Grade-Point Average (GPA)–A measure of scholastic performance determined by dividing the total accumulated quality points by the corresponding total of attempted credit hours.

Graduate Assistant–An advanced degree student who is appointed to provide teaching, research, or support service, in addition to pursuing an academic program of study. A monthly stipend, plus tuition and fees, is commonly awarded. Assistants may be classified by the type of responsibility to which they are assigned or by the number of hours to be worked.

Graduate Council–The policy–making body of a graduate school, which generally consists of elected faculty and a graduate student representative. The council normally sets the policies of the graduate school and approves all graduate–level courses, examines and approves all new graduate programs, reviewing the qualification of persons recommended for teaching graduate courses or directing master or doctoral research, and serves as an appeal body for graduate student matters.

Graduate Faculty–Academic staff members approved to teach post–baccalaureate courses and supervise thesis and dissertation research.

Graduate Student–A student who has received a bachelor’s degree and has met all criteria for admission to the Graduate School.

Interdisciplinary Courses–Courses, which deal with two or more academic subjects.

Major–A field of study representing a well–recognized discipline in which there is offered a graduate program.

Plagiarism–The use of reproduction of materials from another person’s work (e.g. publications, productions, or intellectual property) without revealing the source and/or clearly acknowledging the degree of dependency. If materials are reproduced verbatim from another source, or even reproduced in large part with only minor modification, proper citation must occur. To avoid allegations of plagiarism, one must clearly cite the source and use quotation marks to identify the excerpts, or clearly acknowledge the source by indenting and single–spacing the reproduced selections.

Post-baccalaureate Students–A student who has received a bachelor’s degree and is taking additional undergraduate courses.

Practicum–A course or experience that relates educational theory to practice within a field of specialization.

Prerequisite–A requirement that must be met before a particular course can be taken.

Program of Study Form-A document upon which the student must list the courses to be taken in pursuit of an intended graduate degree. The major professor, the department and the Graduate School usually must approve it.

Readmission and reenrollment–Applications, which must be filed if a graduate student breaks continuous, graduate enrollment. If granted, the student may reenroll for the identified term. Readmission for non–degree seeking students is fairly routine. However, readmission for degree seeking students is not guaranteed.

Registration load–The total semester hours for which a student is registered in any semester or term.

Residency Classification–The status assigned to a student based on place of domicile. In public institutions the classification is usually in–state or out–of–state and is employed as a mean to determine the level of tuition and fees.

Schedule of Classes–A listing of all courses offered by the University during one semester or summer session, showing fees, instructor, and time and place of meeting.

Semester–Half an academic year or 15–16 weeks. Some schools operate on a quarter system, which divides the academic year into thirds. UTC uses the semester system.

Thesis–A written, scholarly presentation of research or study that is submitted and defended as partial fulfillment or requirements for an advanced degree. The thesis completed for the doctoral degree is usually termed a dissertation. See also Dissertation; Master’s Thesis.

Time Limit–A maximum period at UTC allowed for a student to complete a specific graduate degree program after first enrollment. Time limits are established to assure that those enrolled in graduate programs make satisfactory progress toward completion of the degree and possess current knowledge in the discipline.

Transient Admission–The temporary enrollment of a student from another college or university who plans to take courses and applies them toward fulfillment of program requirements at the home institution.