Additional Information and Notes
For graduation: 2.0 GPA in all required major and related courses (including specified General Education courses).
For licensure: 2.75 average cumulative, 2.75 average at UTC, and 2.75 average in education courses with no grade lower than C, 2.75 in content area with no grade lower than C. Please see for additional information regarding licensure requirements.
Minimum of 39 hours of 3000 and 4000 level courses.
Electives to complete 120 hours.
See Degree and Graduation Requirements for additional requirements.
*Also satisfies requirement in the major.
#Also satisfies general education requirement.
ClearPath Showcase
ClearPath Showcases provide students with an opportunity to see program requirements defined in a semester-by-semester format. The ClearPath Showcases also provide students with important tips, pointers, and suggestions for staying on track with progress toward the degree. Students should also meet regularly with their academic advisor.