Feb 05, 2025
ENNE 4410 - Topics in Nuclear Criticality, Regulatory, and Advanced Analysis (3) Credit Hours
Issues and analyses in nuclear systems criticality, operational and safety systems will be explored and analyzed including engineered and passive safety features and accident response. Current regulations and standards will be discussed. The application and use of criticality analyses, probabilistic risk assessment and other advanced analytics will be explored and illustrated. Introduction to current regulations and standards including quality and design changes/modifications. Requirements/development of plant modification packages will be assessed. Additional topics will be introduced based on current topical issues in the industry such as fuel recycle, earthquake design, etc. Study of related topics such as globalization, environmental issues, guest speakers. Lecture two hours lecture and laboratory 2 hours. Senior standing in engineering courses and final semester or department head approval. Laboratory/studio course fee will be assessed. Differential course fee will be assessed.
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